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The Books

Playing sidekick to the bolder, stronger Lanie is all seventeen year old Becca has ever known. Then there is the accident that changes everything, forcing Becca to face life without her best friend. Drowning in emotion, Becca turns to people she never thought she would be able to rely on: Lanie’s older brother; a therapist that might have more problems than Becca herself; and Christian, the only boy that Lanie and Becca ever fought over, as she discovers what it takes to face the tide in her own life.

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"Facing the Tide by Kyle Freelander is a startling and intoxicating young adult novel that has the ability to explore the dynamics of a friendship between two teenage girls, filtered through the lens of both triumph and tragedy. Freelander balances the deeper parts of the story by including moments of humor and happiness..." -Red City Review

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The Articles

"One day you will fall for the wrong line because you are a lover of words that weave their way through your soul and make themselves at home in your heart. You collect these words in clips and phrases so they fit into your memories until they have grown sour with time. You will try to tear them out of your past and out of your mind but you cannot keep them from their home.I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you..."

Love Will Knock You Down

What the Person You Deserve is Like

"You deserve someone who continues looking forward, someone who doesn’t stop constantly to look at the past. They may not like everything about who you were before, but they love who you have become. They know not to let your past trip them up for too long. You both came into the relationship with baggage that slowly unpacked itself and, even though it would be easy enough to pack up your things and go back to your respective homes, you both stay..."





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